domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Nurture Vrs. Nature

Homosexuality has a lot to deal with Human vrs. Nature. It still has not been establish if we are born having our sexual orientation or if as the years go on we acquire it. This question has been going around through many experiments, deciding if people are born having an orientation for being straight or gay, or if it simply just happens throughout the years. By watching this video, I came up with my own opinion that people do not become gay from one day to another, it is been in their genes since they are born. In the video, I watched different cases about twins were one was straight meanwhile the other one was not. Since children, people become oriented on what they like, who they like and why. Their are cases in which very young boys prefer playing with barbies, painting their finger nails, doing ballet and liking colors pink and purple instead of playing with G.I Joe's, playing soccer and liking darker colors. These guys are most likely to becoming gay since they like doing girl stuff instead of boy stuff. As they grow up they may be called sissies or names like that and they will have a lean on liking men rather than women. There is not only gays in the world, lesbians also exist. They have the same situation as gay children. Young girls who are more influenced in being "boys" and tomboy are more likely to be liking women as they grow up, since they grow up acting like men. Regarding if a person is straight or gay, that does not matter. They can not be socially excluded because of their leaning or appeal for others. Everyone has the same rights and has the right to always enjoy it.,r:3,s:0&tx=90&ty=78

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