domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011


There is nothing more relaxing and joyful than sleeping. Everytime I get any type of sleep, I enjoy it to the fullest. Of course I enjoy sleeping 9 hours, than taking a 20 minute nap or a 5 hours of sleep during the week days to go to school. The more I sleep, the better I will function the next day and better the energy. Most of the time, I go to sleep wishing I will be able to wake up remembering what I dreamt, but it is rare I remember. Dreaming is one of the most exciting things about life. Every time a dream occurs in someone's sleep, it means the brain is processing information of the day before. REM occurs, which means rapid eye movement in which the brain passes many images and we enter into a stage of paralysis. The dreams we dream occur in the parietal lobe and this creates them, but people who do not dream is because they have suffered from a stroke or a damage in the parietal lobe and will only dream again as time passes by. Its said that dreaming has a significance, surely it is not 100% known what it is.. maybe it is answers our mind is looking, the future it hopes, or the past it regrets.. Nobody knows. Dreaming is fun and makes your mind be relaxed during your sleep time. Personally, I love sleeping, but I enjoy it and love it the most when I dream. <3

work cited:,r:10,s:30&tx=11&ty=45&biw=1024&bih=625

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